Short Bio

Sarit Kraus (Ph.D. Computer Science, Hebrew University, 1989) is a Professor of Computer Science and Dean of the faculty of Exact Sciences, at Bar-Ilan University. Her research is focused on intelligent agents and multi-agent systems (including people and robots).

Kraus was awarded the IJCAI Computers and Thought Award and the IJCAI Research Excellence Award, ACM SIGART Agents Research award, ACM Athena Lecturer, the EMET prize and was twice the winner of the IFAAMAS influential paper award. She is AAAI, ECCAI and ACM fellow and a recipient of the advanced ERC grant. She is a member of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Research Interests

My main research interest in Artificial Intelligence and in particular Multi-agent systems. I focus on understanding how we can best create intelligent agents that can interact proficiently with people. We study both cooperative and conflicting scenarios. I consider modeling human behavior and predicting their decisions to be necessary for facing these challenges, as well as the development of formal models for the agent’s decision-making. Thus, my research studies build on methods and algorithms from Machine Learning, Decision Theory and Game Theory, non-classical logic, optimization under uncertainty and psychology.

My application domains have included physical security, intelligent cars, human training, recommendation systems, automated negotiations and mediation, virtual humans and rehabilitation.

Contact Me

Business Address Dept. of Computer Science
Bar-Ilan University Ramat Gan, 52900
Office Building 503 Room 315 (next to Communication)
Phone (972) 54-3303565
Fax (972) 3-5352184
my picture

Photographed by: Avishag Sher-Yeshuv

Recent News

  • I was invited to give a keynote talk in AAAI-24.

  • [ IJCAI Talk ]

    The winner of the 2023 Award for Research Excellence is Sarit Kraus, Professor of Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Professor Kraus is recognized for her pioneering work of the study of interactions among self-interested agents, creating the field of automated negotiation, and developing methods for coalition formation and teamwork, both as formal models and real-world implementations.

    [ IJCAI AWARDs ]
  • I gave a talk on "AI for Explaining Decisions in Multi-Agent Environments" in UVA (February, 2023).

    [ Video ]
  • The huge recent interest in Diplomacy evoked in me excited memories of Diplomat, the automated Diplomacy player that I developed in my PhD. Interestingly, Diplomat demonstrated many of the capabilities that Meta's Cicero has (like breaking agreements when needed, expressing intents, estimating other players' behaviour). It played three games with humans and won all of them. People negotiating with Diplomat weren't able to identify that they played with a computer system. We ran it on a Vax machine and our team included 3 people.

    [ pdf version. Diplomat's paper. ]
  • Our daughter Chavi (38.3) has passed away (13.4.2022).

    [ Pictures ]
  • I was elected to the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (6.2021)

  • I was named ACM Athena Lecturer for Wide-Ranging Contributions to Artificial Intelligence (4.2020)

    ACM announcement
  • A new book:
    Predicting Human Decision-Making: From Prediction to Action
    Ariel Rosenfeld, Sarit Kraus
    Morgan & Claypool Publishers January, 2018. book
    see here

  • I'm giving a joint tutorial with Ariel Rosenfeld at AAAI 2017, San-Fransisco, USA titled "Predicting Human Decision-Making: Tools of the Trade".

    Tutorial web-page
  • The LAW-TRAIN project website has been launched.

    see here
  • "Intelligent Agent Supporting Human-Multi-Robot Team Collaboration" by Ariel Rosenfeld, Oleg Maksimov, Noa Agmon and Sarit Kraus has been awarded the BEST ROBOTICS VIDEO prize at the IJCAI 2015 video competition.

    watch video
  • An article on the Virtual Suspect project appeared in Haaretz on the 26/6/2015.
    We thank Dr. Ariel Roth, the project architect, for his contribution. His name was dropped from the article by mistake.

    see here
  • Sarit Kraus elected 2014 ACM Fellow.

  • An interview with Sarit Kraus (KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 28, 2014)
    see here

  • Best paper award of AAAI-15 Blue Sky track: S. Kraus. Intelligent Agents for Rehabilitation and Care of Disabled and Chronic Patients.

  • A new book:
    S. Fatima S. Kraus and M. Wooldridge. Principles of Automated Negotiation, Cambridge University Press, November, 2014.
    see here
  • "Onn Shehory and Sarit Kraus. Methods for task allocation via agent coalition formation. Artificial Intelligence,
    vol. 101(1-2): 165-200, 1998"
    is the winner of 2014 IFAAMAS influential paper award.